What the hell did I just watch?!
Most inside jokes just aren't funny when taken out of their original context. Most inside jokes aren't funny to begin with. Most inside jokes are nothing more than a desperate handshake between friends. This movie transends the idea of the inside joke to something that might actually be funny.
I think you may be on to something. Ever since my cat had kittens last week something hasn't seemed right.
The bloodlust in their not yet opened eyes...
Their piercing cries...
Or maybe its just me.
Great graphics mostly, though I didn't care too much for the art style of the cat eating portion. And speaking of that, the scene drug on way too long for what could have been a 15 second skit. The kitten test brought the funny however. A 'fan' of critters are we? Soundtrack fit well, surprizingly. And you didn't hold back on the violence. So by default you get a 10 on that scale.
Overall, if this is what your inside jokes sound like, then I commend you for your wit and commitment to quality. And if I come from this movie with nothing else, at least now I'll be more careful about the mewing that lies under my desk.