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Well, I'm never vacationing in Canada

Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Much can be learned from this tragic example. Maybe, we will all be better people for it. It was a very well thought out animation. The usual conversing between friends leading into the one complimenting the girls breasts. We've all been there. But the twist and the moral is quite good. The art style is a bit odd for me, but it was well animated in parts. And for it being so short and small in file size it had a lot to offer. Good going with this, and keep it up with the quirky situations and morals.

Its a definate improvement

I remember seeing the older version of this several months ago, and i admit you have doen a hell of a job improving the art and animation. Its rare that someone actually goes and improves an older flash movie. Its even rarer when its actually improved to this level. Now its almost front page material here.

Just that, like the first time I saw it, the story is a little silly to me. The ninja killing some security guards for whatever reason. At least now he goes and explains more about who he is and what he is doing. Plus the scene where hes held up and babbles on and on about the evils of technology and all that. The guard could have shot him then... even if the ninja avoided the bullet, at least he wouldn't have looked as stupid as just standing there being all high and mighty, then getting struck down without a struggle. Well, something like that. Its still a bit short and doesn't have a whole lot of plot, and the graphics are still a little plain, but the animation kicks ass. As a revamp of an older movie, you did a great job with it.

Someone does like their Happy Tree Friends

The graphics were nice and well drawn, I'm guessing with a tablet. Good animation style, and as far as the actual animation goes, very well animated and done. Godd musical choices. Fit the semi-sitcom atmosphere well. Just the whole thing came off as a bit unoriginal. Its the seen it before kind of movie. It did have some opriginal ideas, just could have gone the extra mile and put it over the top as far as the ultraviolence is concerned. Cause thats this movies God given reason to be watched is to see the cute bunny eat it. The carrot landing on top of the bunny was too predictable and a bit too tame for me. Thats just me finding something to complain about for this submission. Looked great, but the content could have been better.

chrisjulian0 responds:

Now that I look at it you're right about the Happy Tree Friends thing. That wasn't even my intention.

Thanks for watching, and thank you for the feedback.

Pretty cool video

The moscot character would be perfect for a band. Too bad it didn't work out. The music was way too emo for me though, and speeding up the pitch to make it sound like a chipmunk was an inteseting choice, but then you couldn't understand a word that was sung. The art style was very good, as i may have said before the character would make a great mascot to a band, but even solo hes a fairly interesting study. All around the art style looked nice, it all fit the music well, most of the time. I thought the ghost on stage was frankly stupid, but thats just me. The fat bear on the drums was amusing. In a way the style reminded me of Parappa The Rapper. But now I'm rambling. It'd be cool if you made this character into a sort of flash musician, doing videos and things. Or at least keeping him alive in flash movies, doesn't have to be music related. Yeah, I thought this music video was pretty good, just the choice of music brought it down, but it didn't effect the overall score for me.

Very twisted and inspired

Well, what is there to say about this? It takes a while to get the point, but it makes quite a lot of sense. Its, very, twisted as i said before, but ya know this is Newgrounds. At least it all worked out for the guy. The art style is very nice and clean, and its not like anything I have seen before. The voice acting was good, even though it was only one person doing the voices and some stock screams. It all came together without a hitch. Quite a few users may not get this, and wouldn't expect everyone to, but i did appreciate the surrealism. As I am a fan of surrealism, even though i can't come close to ever pulling it off myself. It was done very well, and the moral in it, although very messed up, did make sense, in, again, a really messed up way. Pretty good animation you made here, will be looking for your stuff from now on.

Wow, took long enough!

Its only been like 3 years! Well, it was worth the wait. The graphics are great and stylish, as always. And the humor is great. Yeah, thats just about what i'd expect from a geekbot, if such things existed, which they probably shouldn't, and if they did, God help us. Hopefully this means that you'll start back up with the series, cause it was one of my favorites way back when. The sound quality is a little scratchy but thats bot a huge problem. And thats the only thing I can think to complain about. Ohterwise, its on par with the other We Are Robots series. Good work, and keep the updates coming!

The preloader scared the crap out of me.

Thought this was going to be the dressup game. Then I thought this might be the dressup game riff. Then I actually bothered to read the authors comments. I found I liked this one better than the first one. You did the skits almost like the show did. So I'm guessin' you are likening 666pyro666 to Roger Corman. Very irrervernt humor. It goes so many places. Like the Iron Man skit. I already want to watch this again. Too much to say here. Nothing felt out of place, and you really started to flesh out the ideas. The format was great too. I still stand by what i said about the first one. Though i've already forgotten what I said, I'm sure it still applies. You kept the humor up on the riffs, thats always a good thing. Ya gotta do this as a weekly series or something, the three in front of some recent portal garbage, or even a good movie, and riff on it, and maybe a short skit. Thats just wishful thinking on my part. Anyway, good work again!

SeizureDog responds:

I should work up a format to where I can just easily pull out a movie a week of this...but man, this series is old. People loved it, but it's old.

You sure like the word "riff"...

Now why haven't I ever seen this this before?

Being that MST3K is only the greatist show ever, I never expected a Newgrounds user to actually do a parody of it. Was just a bit different than what I thought it would be. Humor was good, and the delivery kept up at a fairly good speed. I just thought that it'd have been cool if you took actual movies from the portal and riffed on them. Unoriginal sure, and maybe a bit insensitive. But if I ever finish a project i'd totally let someone riff on it akin to MST3K, provided the humor was actually good and not just 'it sucks lol rofl!' I've really went off track on this review. For what there was, stick figure running around in the flash workspace, it was interesting. Just the riffed movie itself could almost stand a chance passing judgement. But the characters and the riffing completed it. Don't got much bad to say about it, other than this could have made a great series. Oh well, still it was amusing, good work and all that.

SeizureDog responds:

Well if I had taken actual movies then I probably wouldn't be showing them bad movies now whould I? That was the point of the original show anyways :P

Glad you liked it though.

I am the king of ancillary bullshit!™

Age 42, Male


Hell no!

Emporia KS

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