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81 Audio Reviews

51 w/ Responses

Seems fit for a profile soundtrack

Well, by profile I mean with shots of characters in a staredown or the camera swoops over or by a character as an establishment shot. It does loop well. The static sample was a bit annoying and overbearing on the rest of the song. The melody was okay, just that it got a bit repetitive after a few bars, and there was only one other variation on it. Wasn't too bad, just could use a bit of cleaning up and balancing.

Got an element of danger in it

Sounds like this could be used for an escape scene. I don't know where the name Lobotomy comes from. The kicks held the song together well, and the melody was intriguing. Only the song itsekf was a bit slow. Think it would have worked better as a loop. The song has good intentions, just doesn't give enough.

microscansim28 responds:

My sis made the title brecause shees a rocker wieird ass.. I hav no musical expireince so I no it suks


Was half expecting for this to cheese out and turn into a techno dance track, but turns out this is serious. Wouldn't think of hearing this in the AP, but here it is. Good use of synth, not out of place from any professionally done synth track. I'm quite surprized this hasn't been used in any submissions. But as far as being a funeral dirge, it doesn't seem all that solem. If it were fully orchestrated I'd listen to it while I write in my classical playlist. Its good, very good, I'll give you that.

Bezo responds:

Thanks. Maybe I'll do a full orchestration of it at some point. I didn't really think it was a dirge either, but everyone who heard it said it was. So I figured that meant something. :p

Simple yet stylish

That bass line would probably rattle the doors off my car. I applaud you for actually being able to simulate an eartquake in song. This is a really sparse song, singular drum beat with a metronome and bell tone, topped with humming bass. But its done really well, and keeps itself from getting repetitive. Though it seems the last beat drop was just put in to keep it from being repetitive. Thats just how it sounds to me. This is a good track, unique as they come.

Good background track

But the feeling I got when listening to this was 'meh'. Could have used a little more variety, and the samples sound a bit generic to me. Good solid beat, though it doesn't grab my attention. Its really unassuming background music. Well, thats about as much as I can think to say about it, don't hate the song, just can't muster up any real enthusiasm for it.

*Scratches head, akwardly looks around*

A looney toons remix... heh, well, thats just where I remember the track from. Interesting synth take on the theme. Problem is the audio gets scratchy in the middle when the song scales down. That really brought it down. But I know how compressed this must be. Its be great for a flash movie, but that audio glitch kinda ruins it for me. Everything else sounds fine though. The synth playing is great, just, ya know, that damn audio glitch... good track none the less.

Makes the club go 'huh?'

I was half wanting to dance to this, and half questioning how anyone could dance to this. Its got an infectious melody and beat, but even for trance this is weird... I suppose when the aliens come to invade we can play this for them and distract them to dance while we snipe them from afar. Thats about as much sense I could make with this review. Its technically very good, but very hard to dance to without questioning why people get nostalgic for the 80's and why does my hair feels like grass clippings. Arg, now its got me being weird... well, I liked it, but now I think I need a nap...

Rucklo responds:

And I was like... whut? :)
Now this is the kind of reviews I like, wierd and not making sence, unless your read between the lines.
This song ain´t made to dance to, but if the aliens like that, maybe we humans canl learn something from them? :D
About your hair, now that´s a different matter... Just join me for a cup of pepsi in the afternoon, and we´ll discuss your hair a little closer!

thanx alot for the review man! Hope u hada nice nap :D

Good rap

Interesting subject matter, and it goes into song during the chorus. Acoustic rap rock? Good lyrics, well written and amusing. You two guys really did a great track here. The guitar playing was pleasant, and you didn't miss a beat. Overly catchy, but the only problem I see with this is who's actually gonna use this for their flash movie? Doesn't matter, its still a great track, one of the best on Newgrounds.

OfficerHairdo responds:

I know it won't get into any flash movies. I just uploaded the audio because I realized that I'm almost level 10 and I've never contributed anything to newgrounds. I thought it was kinda sad, and i didn't wanna learn flash. Thanks for the review though. I really appreciate it.

Sounds 8-bit-ish

Sorta reminds me of Maniac Mansion. Good little loop, doesn't seem to get too repetitive. Could make a nice incidental track. All in all good for flash, and not bad to listen to on its own.

Good multi purpose music

This could be used as gameplay music for an RPG or menu music, or possibly credits music. Seems versatile enough. Well, thats just what I see with it. Has a good heavy but not overpowering beat, and the melody is a bit low key, but it doesn't lose the focus. Nice use of counterpoints to the theme. If only there was a bit more variety. But good track none the less.

porksoda responds:

thanks for the thoughtful review.
feedback is awesome.

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