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81 Audio Reviews

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Fast and relentless

Good overall theme to this track. Good synths at the beginning, then it just gets crazy for twenty sconds. I can see this is going in several movies. The only thing was it kinda lost steam during the last bit after the beat break. But all before that was terrific. The drum track changes several times during the song, which gave this track all of it's personality. The opening though had a couple notes I disagree with, they just sound sour, and while I know thats mostly the intent, it didn't sit well with me. But that all just a lot of nitpicking. I can see why you are one of the AP superstars. This is a great track, solid, only have a few gripes with it. Nice submission.

Good effort

As a remix, its a little sloppy. You did some interesting things to the original song, but most of the song you just spliced and repeated a single verse. And a few times it skips a beat, and it really throws me off. The song is a little excessive at times, but overall i did like this track, just cause it was such an interesting remix. If it was more cohersive, it would have been better.

Its got some good parts

But the whole songs is too repetitive. And the ending is really weak, its like the song just stops. But the theme throughout is very good. Just the first filter change comes suddenly. The socond filter change was a little better, but could be worked on. The bassline is solid, but a little plain. Not a bad track, but could be better.

the-postal-dude responds:

Thank you so much for reviewing this track.

Yes I know this song is repetitive. This is just a little part of it.
The real song is 7 minutes. It isn't complete.

I've got to add another bass effect.

And I'm going to add a bit of lyrics with the voices of my friends.

Thanks againf or listening.

Nice bit of DNB

But, you misspelled percussion! Thats just wrong. The track itself is repetitive, and although the flailing drums are nice towards the end, it just takes too long to get there. This would be better as an intro to another song. And the file size was a bit too high for the length and the quality of the song. But the good points are the cymbal crash added an extra layer to the beat, and the bass kick wasn't too overpowering. Not too bad, but not great.

A bit bass heavy

Yeah, its a bit different take on the theme, but in keeping the bass and cello up front and center, it kinda squeltched the melody. Plus its slowed down a little. Not that the speed affected the score or my thoughts on the song too much. Just the sound quality bothers me, too much hissing when the volume is turned up, and the default volume is too low. But technically the song is well made. And I've ran out of complaints. So let me end on saying that the take on the theme is good, but recording issues bring it down.

stealthsamurai responds:

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by hissing. And the bass parts are too loud compared to the maelody? Do you have any reconmendations on how I should fix the sound quality? It would help. Thanks

Very random

Though what was with that drum beat?! Was that another song playing in the background? Well, very random indeed. There was a couple flat notes at the beginning, but afterwards the song started to take form and, while still random, sounded pretty good. You took this track places and it came back a bit confused but generally better for it. You've got an esoteric style of playing that really came out during this jam. What else can I say? If it weren't for that off drum track I would have given this a 9.

jaredpresley responds:

The intro is really different than the rest. As far as a jam goes it went pretty well, I still have the outer form on audio cassette so I could always change the drums.

Got its highs and lows

I really dug the part right after the opening, had to have been the best part of the song for me. But then I got kinda bored with the DNB interlude that ended the song. Just think it went on too long and made the song go out on a low note. The bass is a bit too 'floppy' for my tastes, and I think I may be the first and only person to refer to bass as ever being floppy... The voice samples just didn't do anything for me, I was more interested in the telescoping bass whirl. Not too bad of a track, just some things brought it down a little.

mindless-meatpuppet responds:

dear TVs Slayer,
thanks for giving your time for the critique, it is very good for me to know this the only thing I didn't understand was what do you mean by my being "floppy".......I don't know how to make of that term is music but, anyway, thanks for your comment. You will be rewarded in your life time. :)


Good quasi-loop

I think this really deserves to be listened to and downloaded, cause it sounds like a very versatile track..I imagine anything from title screens to menus to certain action sequences. The melody of the song, and the overall mood sounds low key, but isn't background music. Its hard to explain, plus I'm drunk. Good use of bass and drums, really fits the melody. Just if the AP didn't seem to loathe samples and loops, like the header states is the God given purpose, then I'd trust that this would catch fire instantly. Good size for flash movies, and offers just enough variety. Good, track, very good track.

DJRunaway responds:

:) Wow, thanks man :) Now I know for sure I'll make the complete song :) Goddamn, a stoner talking 2 a drunkard :) It's a weird day mah friend!

DJ Runaway

Actually rather funny

Sounds like a voice actress desperately trying to get the job. I thought the song would have been better if the voice sampls weren't so loud. The piano synth in the middle of the song was good. Just that whenever the samples would start playing I couldn't help but laugh. Interesting, I'll give it that. This should find its way into many a dressup game.

kyle-christie responds:

Thanx TVs Slayer, I'll look into the volume on the vocals. I'm glad it made you laugh. Kyle

I am the king of ancillary bullshit!™

Age 42, Male


Hell no!

Emporia KS

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